2 Peter 1:21. For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
I believe God has given some the gifting of the prophetic to reveal his glory through his messages that pierce the veil between heaven and earth.
Do you need answers or clarity from God?
Sometimes in Life we are in such deep emotional pain and fear that we can not hear Gods guidance, and other times we think we are hearing God, but we are not sure and would love his confirmation, or clarity.
I still remember the first prophetic waking vision I was given by God. I had just met a random stranger in line for coffee, and suddenly God was flooding me with visions of him as a child, detailed visions of his home and his life. I was quite alarmed by this, but I managed to ask God why I was seeing all of this. God told me to give him a message and I did. He began crying and thanking God for answering his prayer. I understood then, that I was one of Gods prophetic messengers to bring peace, and clarity, and sometimes even warnings. Since that day, God has given me so many messages for people that have brought peace calm, restoration, and even safety. He has led people to new homes, jobs, and even husbands and wives. He has given advice for raising difficult or sickly children, restoring relationships and even revealing the best diets, medical, career and financial advice.
I never know what Gods going to reveal next in a prophetic session, but I know it is always going to be awesome and magical.
God loves to reveal his highest plan for us, and I am so grateful and honored that he has given me access to hear directly from him, his holy spirit and his angels; To bring his wisdom, peace, clarity and highest plan of action through for his beloved children.
God truly does love to see us joyfully thriving!
I still remember the first prophetic waking vision I was given by God. I had just met a random stranger in line for coffee, and suddenly God was flooding me with visions of him as a child, detailed visions of his home and his life. I was quite alarmed by this, but I managed to ask God why I was seeing all of this. God told me to give him a message and I did. He began crying and thanking God for answering his prayer. I understood then, that I was one of Gods prophetic messengers to bring peace, and clarity, and sometimes even warnings. Since that day, God has given me so many messages for people that have brought peace calm, restoration, and even safety. He has led people to new homes, jobs, and even husbands and wives. He has given advice for raising difficult or sickly children, restoring relationships and even revealing the best diets, medical, career and financial advice.
I never know what Gods going to reveal next in a prophetic session, but I know it is always going to be awesome and magical.
God loves to reveal his highest plan for us, and I am so grateful and honored that he has given me access to hear directly from him, his holy spirit and his angels; To bring his wisdom, peace, clarity and highest plan of action through for his beloved children.
God truly does love to see us joyfully thriving!