About me
There are so many stories I could share about my journey. Stories about Indian gurus, ayahuaska, and shamanism, tantra and yoga, burning man and psychedelics, many men and many stages, childhood heart break, rejection, divorce and abuse, many near death experiences, angels and demons and the battle for my soul. All of these are a part of my God story, because all of this pain and heart break and passionate desire for enlightenment are exactly what led me all the way home to Jesus Christ. He is my hero, and the King of Kings who says I am nothing less then beautiful to him.
And so, I will skip ahead many years now to the most important part of Gods story, the part where Jesus saved me and brought me all the way home.
Here is my living testimonial.
I was born with the gift of prophecy. As a little girl I would often know things about people. or be given messages for them from God and Gods Angels. I did not know anything about the prophetic, nor did I have any churches around me that honored or even talked about the gifts of the holy Spirit. I would speak and sing in tongues in my sleep, but unfortunately my gifts were too big for most churches and they were frightened of the things God revealed to me. They would also tell me that my gifts were not from God and that instead they were witch craft. It was for this very reason that I found comfort in the loving arms and acceptance of the spiritual and new age worlds and began identifying as having been born psychic.
I moved to Sedona, and I felt so loved there in a totally open and accepting community, I felt like I had truly discovered heaven on earth. I began working in a psychic shop in Sedona the new age mecca, and was very quickly recognized as a very powerful psychic, medium and healer. People would line up for my readings and sometimes I would do up to 10 readings a day. Then readings turned into mediumship and healings and I was very quickly rising to the top of the Sedona stage. Although I loved God and would give credit to God for my gifts and always open up with prayer, and even say that I would only speak to spirits of the Christ light, I was definitely not living in Gods will, but I truly believed I was. God began sending his sons and daughters to me through his holy spirit and they would come to the center and receive readings from me, and then tell me that God sent them to me specifically to get a reading from me to tell me I was not psychic, but I was extremely prophetic and hearing directly from God. They would also tell me that God said I was Christain and had huge plans for my life. I told them I loved Jesus and I was raised Christain and I just called myself psychic and I worked in the shop to pay my bills and I loved God and Jesus and it was ok. It was not ok, really not ok. After about 6 months of working at the shop I began feeling very sick. I was exhausted all the time, drained, and I felt a darkness that I did not understand. I felt ugly inside. Then one day, the woman I worked for that owned the shop, who is also alive and saved now by the grace of God, revealed that we had been receiving letters of witchcraft threats in the mail. I had never seen such things before, but they were letters written in runes and spells and scratches and curses. All of this was new to me and it was terrifying. What proceeded to happen in a matter of three months was bone chilling. The woman that owned the shop suddenly got cancer, and the man that did healing work next to my room bought the shop from her. About a week after the sale was final a strange brazilian woman showed up to town and kind of appeared out of nowhere. She had been raised in Brazil with heavy voodoo.. He fell madly in love with her, almost hypnotically, and in a matter of 1 month he married her, also got cancer and died and this voodoo woman inherited the business and things got scary dark very quickly. She was openly practicing paganism and witch craft and she hated me. I did not know what to do, I went into work one day to do readings and there was a black snake that had manifested before my eyes. a real black snake. Although I did not realize all of the truth yet, I did know that God was telling me to leave and I did. I began working for myself and although things did get better in some ways, in others I felt very strange and I was waking up in the morning with weird bite marks and constantly getting sick. I was still living in Sedona at the time with a boyfriend, and I felt spiritually unsafe there and made a huge leap of faith to leave and move to Paris France for a bit to sing jazz music. I believed that the issue was Sedona, and not me. The issue was both. This was the beginning of Gods conviction, but I did not understand that yet. When I arrived in Paris, the haunting's began. I kept being harassed by demons and it was really scary. One day I was on facebook and a woman I had followed for many years in the new age named Doreen Virtue suddenly started loudly sharing that she had met Jesus and she was wrong about all she had taught and that sin is real and so is witch craft and that she had been led astray, and she said that everyone needs Jesus and if you did not think you did, to just say this..Jesus do I need you? I did it, begrudgingly. I was certain Jesus was for drunks and addicts, and definitely not for me. Boy was I wrong.
It was two weeks later after barely whispering those words, that God introduced me to his son.
Two weeks before Christmas in 2017, right after getting engaged to my then live in French atheist boyfriend I became born again. Prior to those two weeks the conviction began. I began to see things through Gods eyes and wondered if maybe I was being tricked by satan into believing that the new age was from God. I began repenting and I said that Jesus was my King and I began calling out various gifts I had and saying do you agree Jesus is King..Because I do...well those gifts did not agree, and the start of my deliverance began. I also commanded that the spirit guides I thought loved me reveal themselves and uncloak themselves in Jesus Christ name. They did, and they were familiar fallen angels and they were really angry at me. Their attacks began. I went through three days of insane warfare. the demons had manifested into physical reality, and what I faced was physical, mental, psychological and extreme demonic warfare that I would never wish on another person and I will never ever forget. I should also mention that the french atheist drunk abusive fiancee, who was very anti God, wanted to have me admitted to a psych ward and was calling to have the arrangements made when I told him there was a battle for my soul. Thank God, God had a very different plan and he brought me through it all to the other side. God did make me face it all, and would not allow me to escape it until he knew i would never ever forget it, nor return to the new age. The demons kept trying to get inside of my mouth, but there was a small force field around me, and they would eventually get thrown off. It was a horrifying supernatural experience and I thank God for it, because it led me to being set free and it trained me for major battle. On the third day I was delivered by Jesus my hero and baptized by the fire of the Holy Ghost on the kitchen floor of my little Paris apartment. Gods words sent to me by a brother in Christ via facebook messenger set me free. "I will take out your stony heart and give you a new heart and a new spirit and bring you back to life" Those were the most gorgeous words I had ever read. Upon reading them I screamed out loud JESUS I KNOW YOU! My entire heart opened and I saw myself as a little baby staring up at the face of Christ, as the sounds of angels played out of my heart like a heavenly loudspeaker filling my entire apartment this was and is still the most beautiful moment of my life and I will cherish it forever. Jesus then opened my prophetic gifts all the way up and showed me many things that would be happening in my lifetime and in the next few years. As I was seeing it and living in it, it was as though all time had stopped and God was giving me a huge glimpse into the future. He revealed the rapture to me and the tribulation and told me that war, sickness and disease and supernatural events would be happening in my lifetime and that he would be using me to help set many other slaves free. He showed me all of the times that I should have died, but he had kept me alive. He explained that my calling was very special and satan really hated me, and had a death sentence out for my life from the time I was born before I even knew Jesus, or knew satan was real. I threw myself on the ground and dedicated my life to Gods will and Gods service and swore I would help him destroy hell and find his lost lambs like me also being lied to in the new age. Jesus also showed me many secrets that have since come true. I wish I could tell you that I knew how to handle all of this, but the truth is that when you feel that level of Gods power upon you and you go through a violent deliverance like that, it truly shocks you to your core. As a result of this, I was terrified of my elevated gifts and also did not understand why I was seeing demons everywhere and on people, and why I was knowing a lot of intimate details about their lives and their private sin or abuse they had endured . I was reading Gods word, and falling in love with Jesus, but I was in total denial of these gifts that felt more like a curse and a huge burden to carry. I did my best to stuff them down, but that was not working, and the more I did that, and told God to take them away they only grew bigger. I was also having extreme danger visions of something coming to Paris. 4 weeks before covid hit, my apartment was flooded with angels and the thundering voice of God that I had heard my whole life, and that had rescued me long before I knew Jesus from being sold into sex slavery in India spoke to me. God told me something was coming to Paris, and I was to leave in two weeks and return to America, I was to not mention a word of this to anyone, and I was to go quietly. I did. Two weeks later after arriving in America covid hit the world and I would have been trapped in Paris. My new gifts were only still increasing and I was convinced that maybe they were not from God so I decided to go get some deliverance. That was exactly what God wanted me to do. God led me to a man named Bill Bean. Bill has an incredible story and he has a very high level ministry doing exorcisms and deliverance with very high level warfare all over the world. I'll never forget our first phone call. I told Bill what was happening to me, and prepared for him to begin casting out my demons. to my shock and delight, Bill told me that the Holy Spirit had fully delivered me, and had baptized me by some major fire and I had been given some very big anointing's from God and that I was anointed in the prophetic and deliverance ministries with a huge gifting of faith. My gifts were not because of demons, but because of Gods calling on my life. I think I cried a million tears on that call, I don't remember, but I knew my life was headed in a very radical direction and I could not escape my anointing. Nor was it Gods will for me to do so. Bill and I stayed in touch and a week later God threw me right into the deliverance ministry by assisting Bill on an exorcism house call for a highly possessed woman who had been dabbling in the new age arts. I learned during that exorcism what it meant to be made strong in Christ when I was weak. It was as though I had done deliverance my entire life, and I loved it. God led me to others that were possessed and gave me a ministry to begin helping people heal, get free, and line up with Gods will for their kingdom calling and role. I was still being persecuted by many churches and even kicked out of some for not stopping my ministry that did not just speak kingdom language, but spoke the language of those in the new age to help them exit. Jesus meets us where we are, and he speaks all languages, and I intended to do the same as he was leading me to do. Praise God I kept at it, and at this point God has saved hundreds of souls via phone and via the web out of the new age. I give all thanks to Jesus for all he has given me, and for all those he has led to me to be set free and then step into their Kingdom purpose. There is so much more I could share here, but the truth is that the trials and the tribulations have not ended. And because of my ministry and anointing, I do endure extreme warfare. I have been betrayed, persecuted and even abandoned by my most recent husband who was also battling for Christ by my side but chose to return to the world. I am living proof that Gods grace is truly more then enough, and he is just getting started with my story! As long as I live and breathe I will continue to fight the good fight and praise my hero Jesus all the way home. I know that God is raising up a huge prophetic army in Christ and he is seeking warriors who wont easily fall away from the intensity of the battle. If you have found my page, then I know God is calling you into your destined role in his kingdom, and I would be honored to assist you in stepping into the role of your lifetime, and the role that God placed inside of you for a time such as this!
There are so many stories I could share about my journey. Stories about Indian gurus, ayahuaska, and shamanism, tantra and yoga, burning man and psychedelics, many men and many stages, childhood heart break, rejection, divorce and abuse, many near death experiences, angels and demons and the battle for my soul. All of these are a part of my God story, because all of this pain and heart break and passionate desire for enlightenment are exactly what led me all the way home to Jesus Christ. He is my hero, and the King of Kings who says I am nothing less then beautiful to him.
And so, I will skip ahead many years now to the most important part of Gods story, the part where Jesus saved me and brought me all the way home.
Here is my living testimonial.
I was born with the gift of prophecy. As a little girl I would often know things about people. or be given messages for them from God and Gods Angels. I did not know anything about the prophetic, nor did I have any churches around me that honored or even talked about the gifts of the holy Spirit. I would speak and sing in tongues in my sleep, but unfortunately my gifts were too big for most churches and they were frightened of the things God revealed to me. They would also tell me that my gifts were not from God and that instead they were witch craft. It was for this very reason that I found comfort in the loving arms and acceptance of the spiritual and new age worlds and began identifying as having been born psychic.
I moved to Sedona, and I felt so loved there in a totally open and accepting community, I felt like I had truly discovered heaven on earth. I began working in a psychic shop in Sedona the new age mecca, and was very quickly recognized as a very powerful psychic, medium and healer. People would line up for my readings and sometimes I would do up to 10 readings a day. Then readings turned into mediumship and healings and I was very quickly rising to the top of the Sedona stage. Although I loved God and would give credit to God for my gifts and always open up with prayer, and even say that I would only speak to spirits of the Christ light, I was definitely not living in Gods will, but I truly believed I was. God began sending his sons and daughters to me through his holy spirit and they would come to the center and receive readings from me, and then tell me that God sent them to me specifically to get a reading from me to tell me I was not psychic, but I was extremely prophetic and hearing directly from God. They would also tell me that God said I was Christain and had huge plans for my life. I told them I loved Jesus and I was raised Christain and I just called myself psychic and I worked in the shop to pay my bills and I loved God and Jesus and it was ok. It was not ok, really not ok. After about 6 months of working at the shop I began feeling very sick. I was exhausted all the time, drained, and I felt a darkness that I did not understand. I felt ugly inside. Then one day, the woman I worked for that owned the shop, who is also alive and saved now by the grace of God, revealed that we had been receiving letters of witchcraft threats in the mail. I had never seen such things before, but they were letters written in runes and spells and scratches and curses. All of this was new to me and it was terrifying. What proceeded to happen in a matter of three months was bone chilling. The woman that owned the shop suddenly got cancer, and the man that did healing work next to my room bought the shop from her. About a week after the sale was final a strange brazilian woman showed up to town and kind of appeared out of nowhere. She had been raised in Brazil with heavy voodoo.. He fell madly in love with her, almost hypnotically, and in a matter of 1 month he married her, also got cancer and died and this voodoo woman inherited the business and things got scary dark very quickly. She was openly practicing paganism and witch craft and she hated me. I did not know what to do, I went into work one day to do readings and there was a black snake that had manifested before my eyes. a real black snake. Although I did not realize all of the truth yet, I did know that God was telling me to leave and I did. I began working for myself and although things did get better in some ways, in others I felt very strange and I was waking up in the morning with weird bite marks and constantly getting sick. I was still living in Sedona at the time with a boyfriend, and I felt spiritually unsafe there and made a huge leap of faith to leave and move to Paris France for a bit to sing jazz music. I believed that the issue was Sedona, and not me. The issue was both. This was the beginning of Gods conviction, but I did not understand that yet. When I arrived in Paris, the haunting's began. I kept being harassed by demons and it was really scary. One day I was on facebook and a woman I had followed for many years in the new age named Doreen Virtue suddenly started loudly sharing that she had met Jesus and she was wrong about all she had taught and that sin is real and so is witch craft and that she had been led astray, and she said that everyone needs Jesus and if you did not think you did, to just say this..Jesus do I need you? I did it, begrudgingly. I was certain Jesus was for drunks and addicts, and definitely not for me. Boy was I wrong.
It was two weeks later after barely whispering those words, that God introduced me to his son.
Two weeks before Christmas in 2017, right after getting engaged to my then live in French atheist boyfriend I became born again. Prior to those two weeks the conviction began. I began to see things through Gods eyes and wondered if maybe I was being tricked by satan into believing that the new age was from God. I began repenting and I said that Jesus was my King and I began calling out various gifts I had and saying do you agree Jesus is King..Because I do...well those gifts did not agree, and the start of my deliverance began. I also commanded that the spirit guides I thought loved me reveal themselves and uncloak themselves in Jesus Christ name. They did, and they were familiar fallen angels and they were really angry at me. Their attacks began. I went through three days of insane warfare. the demons had manifested into physical reality, and what I faced was physical, mental, psychological and extreme demonic warfare that I would never wish on another person and I will never ever forget. I should also mention that the french atheist drunk abusive fiancee, who was very anti God, wanted to have me admitted to a psych ward and was calling to have the arrangements made when I told him there was a battle for my soul. Thank God, God had a very different plan and he brought me through it all to the other side. God did make me face it all, and would not allow me to escape it until he knew i would never ever forget it, nor return to the new age. The demons kept trying to get inside of my mouth, but there was a small force field around me, and they would eventually get thrown off. It was a horrifying supernatural experience and I thank God for it, because it led me to being set free and it trained me for major battle. On the third day I was delivered by Jesus my hero and baptized by the fire of the Holy Ghost on the kitchen floor of my little Paris apartment. Gods words sent to me by a brother in Christ via facebook messenger set me free. "I will take out your stony heart and give you a new heart and a new spirit and bring you back to life" Those were the most gorgeous words I had ever read. Upon reading them I screamed out loud JESUS I KNOW YOU! My entire heart opened and I saw myself as a little baby staring up at the face of Christ, as the sounds of angels played out of my heart like a heavenly loudspeaker filling my entire apartment this was and is still the most beautiful moment of my life and I will cherish it forever. Jesus then opened my prophetic gifts all the way up and showed me many things that would be happening in my lifetime and in the next few years. As I was seeing it and living in it, it was as though all time had stopped and God was giving me a huge glimpse into the future. He revealed the rapture to me and the tribulation and told me that war, sickness and disease and supernatural events would be happening in my lifetime and that he would be using me to help set many other slaves free. He showed me all of the times that I should have died, but he had kept me alive. He explained that my calling was very special and satan really hated me, and had a death sentence out for my life from the time I was born before I even knew Jesus, or knew satan was real. I threw myself on the ground and dedicated my life to Gods will and Gods service and swore I would help him destroy hell and find his lost lambs like me also being lied to in the new age. Jesus also showed me many secrets that have since come true. I wish I could tell you that I knew how to handle all of this, but the truth is that when you feel that level of Gods power upon you and you go through a violent deliverance like that, it truly shocks you to your core. As a result of this, I was terrified of my elevated gifts and also did not understand why I was seeing demons everywhere and on people, and why I was knowing a lot of intimate details about their lives and their private sin or abuse they had endured . I was reading Gods word, and falling in love with Jesus, but I was in total denial of these gifts that felt more like a curse and a huge burden to carry. I did my best to stuff them down, but that was not working, and the more I did that, and told God to take them away they only grew bigger. I was also having extreme danger visions of something coming to Paris. 4 weeks before covid hit, my apartment was flooded with angels and the thundering voice of God that I had heard my whole life, and that had rescued me long before I knew Jesus from being sold into sex slavery in India spoke to me. God told me something was coming to Paris, and I was to leave in two weeks and return to America, I was to not mention a word of this to anyone, and I was to go quietly. I did. Two weeks later after arriving in America covid hit the world and I would have been trapped in Paris. My new gifts were only still increasing and I was convinced that maybe they were not from God so I decided to go get some deliverance. That was exactly what God wanted me to do. God led me to a man named Bill Bean. Bill has an incredible story and he has a very high level ministry doing exorcisms and deliverance with very high level warfare all over the world. I'll never forget our first phone call. I told Bill what was happening to me, and prepared for him to begin casting out my demons. to my shock and delight, Bill told me that the Holy Spirit had fully delivered me, and had baptized me by some major fire and I had been given some very big anointing's from God and that I was anointed in the prophetic and deliverance ministries with a huge gifting of faith. My gifts were not because of demons, but because of Gods calling on my life. I think I cried a million tears on that call, I don't remember, but I knew my life was headed in a very radical direction and I could not escape my anointing. Nor was it Gods will for me to do so. Bill and I stayed in touch and a week later God threw me right into the deliverance ministry by assisting Bill on an exorcism house call for a highly possessed woman who had been dabbling in the new age arts. I learned during that exorcism what it meant to be made strong in Christ when I was weak. It was as though I had done deliverance my entire life, and I loved it. God led me to others that were possessed and gave me a ministry to begin helping people heal, get free, and line up with Gods will for their kingdom calling and role. I was still being persecuted by many churches and even kicked out of some for not stopping my ministry that did not just speak kingdom language, but spoke the language of those in the new age to help them exit. Jesus meets us where we are, and he speaks all languages, and I intended to do the same as he was leading me to do. Praise God I kept at it, and at this point God has saved hundreds of souls via phone and via the web out of the new age. I give all thanks to Jesus for all he has given me, and for all those he has led to me to be set free and then step into their Kingdom purpose. There is so much more I could share here, but the truth is that the trials and the tribulations have not ended. And because of my ministry and anointing, I do endure extreme warfare. I have been betrayed, persecuted and even abandoned by my most recent husband who was also battling for Christ by my side but chose to return to the world. I am living proof that Gods grace is truly more then enough, and he is just getting started with my story! As long as I live and breathe I will continue to fight the good fight and praise my hero Jesus all the way home. I know that God is raising up a huge prophetic army in Christ and he is seeking warriors who wont easily fall away from the intensity of the battle. If you have found my page, then I know God is calling you into your destined role in his kingdom, and I would be honored to assist you in stepping into the role of your lifetime, and the role that God placed inside of you for a time such as this!